
冷流量受众 Cold Audience
定义 通常指还未收到广告的人,我们首先需要告诉他们我们是谁,我们有什么相关性,我们正在解决什么问题或带来了什么机会
使用时机 用于开发新受众
信息传递 在这个阶段,不要询问电子邮件地址、要求点击或下载等,要为用户提供知识和机会,给予互惠利益,使接受者觉得有义务付出回报。



排除 温流量受众,热流量受众,现有用户

Lookalike audience: By pixel event: View Content, Add to Cart, Lead, Registration Complete, Initiate Checkout, Payment Info, Purchase, Search, Custom Events

Lookalike via mail list: All purchasers, Recent purchasers Purchase lifetime value over X months Purchased more than twice in X months, Facebook LTV audience, Revenue per user over X value

Lookalike: via engagement custom audience (see list of audiences in WARM below)

Lookalike: via retargeting custom audience (see list of audiences in HOT below)

Lookalike: via time spent: Top 25%, 10%

Lookalike: via tracking tags or page URL: e.g. URL contains: utm_campaign=XYZ

Lookalike: via offline activity

Lookalike: via app installers, app registrations, app LTV, app activity

Lookalike: via view/open Canvas or Collection ad into full screen

Lookalike: viewed a webinar, watched x%/full webinar, watched replay

Interests: Niche. Broad etc.

Lookalike: responded to a Messenger sequence (when pushing Messenger data back to your CRM)

Broad: using a seasoned pixel, (potentially only demographic and/or location)

Behavioral: purchasing history, recent activities

3rd party: using data partners

温流量受众 Warm Audience
定义 已经接触过品牌、但没有点击链接的受众,行为包括为页面点赞,观看视频,Ins互动或发送私信。
使用时机 通常,只有需要为这个群体量身定制信息时,才需要分离温流量受众,其受众规模较小。考虑使用网页转化广告系列与单一点击目标(如登陆页面浏览量),以确保获取足够数据。如果构建一个视频观看广告系列,例如针对观看50%视频125%视频2的人,只是观看而没有点击的人就是温流量受众。如果这些人点击并访问网站,变成了热流量,就应该从温流量数据中移除。
信息传递 提供有价值的内容并。测试各种直接回复私信的人,利用潜在优势吸引点击/购买等。
排除 热流量,现有用户

Custom Audience: Video view audiences (25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, 10 seconds) Custom Audience: Page post engagement

Custom audience: Opened Lead form but did not submit

Custom Audience: Opened a Canvas or Collection ad into full screen

Custom Audience: Liked your page but not visited site

Custom Audience: Messaged your page in the last X days

Custom Audience: Instagram viewed profile/engaged with post

Custom Audience: responded to an event you’re hosting from your page

Custom Audience: subscribed to receive email (e.g. has submitted a form or lead gen form but not converted) – could be via your website or through other means such as a competition

热流量受众 Hot Audience
定义 已经进入销售渠道、并点击链接的人群。要确保符合他们的期望,我们要进一步优化登录页面甚至是加载时间,提供最佳体验
使用时机 用于再定向高价值、有前景的受众。

对于电商产品,通常可以用一个28天购物车放弃广告组和28天产品放弃广告组作为优先级开始测试,分别测试DPA(动态广告)与页面转化率目标。根据受众规模将主页/一般网站访问者与产品一起进行分类。 典型的设置是进行37天的较高预算再定位广告系列,用于早期盈利目标。然后,我们可以再进行一个7-14天的广告系列(如果流量大小允许),可以使用不同类型的促销活动,以降低预算。 再然后,建立一个14-28天的小预算广告系列,刷存在感以避免受众回到冷流量分区。


信息传递 找出用户没有购买的原因,尝试打破这个障碍,解决用户信任背书问题。
除外 现有用户

Custom Audience: Visited checkout, cart or product page not purchased. Can include category level

Custom Audience: Visited non-key page (e.g. such as blog, homepage) in last X days

Custom Audience: Visited a key site in last X days by URL (e.g. /collections, best-sellers, etc.)

Custom Audience: Top 25%, 10%, 5% by time spent. Note: combining this with URL allows you to create a highly engaged website retargeting list and is a better solution than delaying the pixel fire to remove people that don’t engage

Custom Audience: Visited a key page more than once in a given time period

Custom Audience: Visited by a specific device (e.g. target those that have visited your site on mobile, with a desktop promo)

Custom Audience: Combination of days visited. For lower ticket items, focus on 3, 7, 14, 28 days segments (audience size permitting). For higher ticket/consideration items, split to 7, 14, 28, 40 day segments, potentially more

Custom Audience: Viewed sign up form (on Facebook or website) and not signed up Custom Audience: Installed app not registered

Custom Audience: Registered for app not purchased

Custom Audience: Watched webinar, replay etc.

现有用户 Existing Audience
定义 现有用户列表,必须要把产品卖给这些人。
使用时机 人们往购物车中添加物品以及结账时,大脑都会产生快感,但付款时就会产生一种疼痛感;而当人们最终收到商品时,就会产生另一种快感——这是追加销售的最佳时机。


信息传递 直截了当的推销。追加产品销售,新品上市,尊重用户的时间,但也要确保信息的传递。
排除 受众重叠的其他用户名单

Custom Audience: Purchased in the last X days

Custom Audience: Purchased X, cross-sell Y

Custom Audience: Purchased X, N days ago, promote a repurchase of X again (e.g. a 30-day cycle for hair shampoo)

Custom Audience: Membership renewal – 30 days before renewal

Custom Audience: Existing customers into a new offer/product


Visitor by time spent: Top 25%



Pageview Frequency > 2 times





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