作为Chrome的一个插件。它可以自动检测你的邮件,你的Tweets,你Linkedin的简介,甚至你刚刚更新的Facebook Status。只要有一丁点语法错误,它会立即标绿提示。因此,写英语文章或者简历、自荐信之类的时候,Grammarly绝对是一把好帮手。
纠正连word都发现不了的250种错误基本上它能把所有形式上的编辑错误侦测出来。比如说:语法错误、句型结构、拼写错误、标点符号错误、格式错误等等。此外,揪被动语态和揪用词不慎也是一把好手。而且它还能监测是否出现严重的抄袭! 当用户使用已经安装了Grammarly for Chrome拼写检查插件的Chrome浏览器的时候,如果编写了错误的英语语句,Grammarly for Chrome插件就会自动在句子的下方给予用户正确的提示,并且还会在提示的下方作出正确的分析给用户一个更多的提醒作用。当用户在拼写的时候如果输入了错误的标点符号,Grammarly for Chrome插件就会立即给予用户一个正确的解释来确保用户输入正确的句号、逗号、破折号、省略号、分号等标点符号。当用户输入一个单词的时候,如果安装了Grammarly for Chrome插件以后,双击该单词就可以弹出相应的同义词建议列表,另外还在建议列表中提供了该单词特别适用的情况列表,如果用户需要更多的解释,还可以在建议列表中查看辞典中更多的解释。Grammarly for Chrome不仅是一款Chrome中的拼写检查插件,用户同样可以使用Grammarly for Chrome作为一款强大的辞典插件,在任何网页中遇到的单词都可以启动Grammarly for Chrome的辞典功能来插件相应的单词解释。相信你们也看出来了,这是一个多么铁面无私的英语小能手。下面是 Grammarly 各产品传送门。
Grammarly小试牛刀点击【New】, 得到以下页面:Case1: 新建文档,检验效果以「路透社」的一篇报道为例:Obama lawyers move fast to join fight against Trump。前4段如下(其中标注红色的为小编修改):Obama lawyers move fast to join fight against TrumpWhen Johnathan Smith resigned from the U.S. Justice Department on Inauguration Day, he looked foward tospending time with his infant son, but that plan unraveled an week later when President Donald Trump unveiled his explosive foreign travel ban.Within two weeks, Smith had a new jobs as legal director of civil rights group Muslim Advocates and was drafting briefs for a successful court challenge to the ban, joining other former top Obama administration lawyers now fighting Trump.It is not surprising that Smith and some of his colleagues, political appointees of Democratic President Barack Obama, would leave the Justice Department now lead by Republicans. What is unusual is how fast they have signed up to be Trump adversaries.Some Republican lawyers say they were less hast in moving into oppositional roles post-election. George Terwilliger, a senior Justice Department official under President George H.W. Bush, described the Obama lawyers’ actions as “unprecedented to my memory – and really bad form.”小编特地修改掉报道中的几处以制造几种不同类型的错误:
「单词拼写错误」:looked forward to替换为looked foward to
「冠词使用错误」:a week later替换为an week late
「单复数错误」:a new job as legal director替换为a new jobs as legal director
「被动句式用词错误」:led by Republicans替换为lead by Republicans
「特定场景用词错误」:they were less hasty替换为 they were less hast