【livestreaming政策解读】八部门规范直播带货 账号将分级分类


【livestreaming政策解读】八部门规范直播带货 账号将分级分类


A regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications is being drafted in China as a move to improve the cultural taste of online content and keep the development of the industry in order, the Cyberspace Administration said on its official website Tuesday.中国国家互联网信息办公室8月4日在官方网站表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范,提升直播平台文化品位,规范行业发展。


现在很火的网络直播的英文表达就是livestreaming,主播就是livestreaming host,直播带货就是sell products through livestreaming platforms,而限时秒杀的表达则是time-limited sec-killing。

国家网信办负责人表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范(regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications),明确直播行业打赏行为管理规则(clarify how to give tips to livestreaming hosts),将内容供给导向、打赏金额标准、主播带货资格与直播账号分级分类紧密关联(how many tips a livestreaming host can be given and who is allowed to sell products through livestreaming platforms will also be regulated, depending on the host’s level and classification),建构激励高质量信息内容供给的直播账号信用评价体系(credit evaluation system for livestreaming accounts)。

国家网信办负责人介绍,专项整治开展两个月来,各部门依法处置158款违法违规直播平台(illegal livestreaming platforms),挂牌督办38起涉直播重点案件。督促平台清理有害账号及信息(clear up harmful accounts and information),封禁一批违法违规网络主播(ban streamers violating laws and regulations),明确直播打赏作为平台和主播履行服务合同的法律性质,规范管理工作稳步推进。


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